jueves, 24 de julio de 2008

Cómo crear un Virtual Switch(vswitch) con un numero especifico de puertos

Un pequeño Tip, ahora que estoy volviendo a meterme en harina:
Con el comando esxcfg-vswitch podemos crear un vswitch y a la vez especificar el numero de puertos que queremos que tenga poniendo un ":" despues del nombre del switch.

#esxcfg-vswitch -a vSwitchTest:20

Otras acciones que podemos realizar con este comando son:
esxcfg-vswitch [options] [vswitch[:ports]]
-a|--add Add a new virtual switch.
-d|--delete Delete the virtual switch.
-l|--list List all the virtual switches.
-L|--link=pnic Set pnic as an uplink for the vswitch.
-U|--unlink=pnic Remove pnic from the uplinks for the vswitch.
-p|--pg=portgroup Specify a portgroup for operation
Use ALL for operation to work on all portgroups
-v|--vlan=id Set vlan id for portgroup specified by -p
0 would disable the vlan
-c|--check Check to see if a virtual switch exists.
Program outputs a 1 if it exists, 0 otherwise.
-A|--add-pg=name Add a new portgroup to the virtual switch.
-D|--del-pg=name Delete the portgroup from the virtual switch.
-C|--check-pg=name Check to see if a portgroup exists. Program
outputs a 1 if it exists, 0 otherwise.
-r|--restore Restore all virtual switches from the configuration file
-h|--help Show this message.

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